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RSP Automotive & Industrial
began life as Rare Spares in 1974,
supplying new and refurbished
parts for 48-FJ Holdens. The
business started in a residential
basement in one of Melbourne's
leafy suburbs and then quickly
moved to a small factory in
Reservoir. The business expanded
rapidly and before long, larger
premises were required.
The Company moved to Brunswick
where it started a vigorous
manufacturing program, both
locally and abroad, and by 1986
Rare Spares had added Ford
parts to its range. In addition, an
Australasia wide distributor network
was established to sell and market
the ever increasing product range.
Also in 1986, the Company started
its diversi cation program with the
marketing of its products to OEM
(Original Equipment Manufacturers)
companies, and the development of
an industrial rubber product range.
In 1990, Rare Spares took one of
what would be many huge steps,
with the building of its modern
and spacious new warehouse and
head of ce facility at Campbell eld,
situated in Melbourne's far northern
suburbs. This gave the Company
much needed space to rapidly
expand its range as well as nally
being able to operate in a new and
ef cient of ce complex.
Furthermore, in 1998, Rare
Spares became early achievers
of the automotive QS9000 quality
accreditation program. 1998 was
a big year for Rare Spares as the
Company commenced its own
metal pressing business after
the successful acquisition of a
Newcastle based manufacturer.
The new metal pressing facility was
set up in separate premises and
became immediately successful.
In 1999, buoyed by the success
of the many new facets of Rare
Spares, the Company registered
the secondary name of RSP
Australia Pty Ltd, which at the time
better re ected the association with
OEM and Industrial customers.
Rare Spares remained the name
associated with the traditional
manufacture and supply of
automotive parts.
As RSP Australia headed towards
the new millennium it continued to
add diverse but associated divisions
to the Company, one being an
information technology department,
launched as RSP Systems in 2000.
As business boomed and RSP
Australia grew, space, again,
became a problem. At the start of
2006, the Company continued its
expansion with the purchase of a
large modern secondary warehouse
in Campbell eld, to house products
for the Company's increasing OEM
and industrial rubber business.
Also heralding in 2006 was the
move to an overall company name
and brand that better recognised
the diversity of the company
whilst harnessing the synergies
between each division. In mid
2006, RSP Automotive & Industrial
was launched with a new logo
and identity that unmistakably
represents every aspect of the
business; automotive OEM, clips &
fasteners, information technology,
metal pressing, moulded rubber
products, hose products and the
Rare Spares branded automotive
aftermarket parts and accessories.